SOLD. See my video of this drum HERE. Truly an amazing item and so historic. My video tells the back story of this incredible drum that Buddy gave to Irv Kluger as a gesture of thanks for Irv teaching him to read music. The dedication is written inside the shell by Buddy and signed by Buddy. I am thrilled to be able to once again broker this fantastic piece of drum history. (Rogers/Buddy fans will also note that this drum was never drilled for a tone control as per Buddy's request on his wood Dynasonic snares. Also, this drum is serial #8010 and has the fruitwood stain interior). There is the letter of authenticity from Irv's widow and also a 2001 article from the Las Vegas Review Journal discussing Irv, (an excerpt of which is posted here which mentions him tutoring Buddy, but I have the entire article which will be included). I sold this drum in 2006 to a client who now wishes to begin to thin out his collection, so we are brokering this for him. Contact me at for more information and pricing. I also have over 20 detailed hi-res pics. Given the rarity and historical significance of this drum it is not on display, however, serious buyers can make an appointment to view this item in my Chicagoland store.