December 2011: Steve commissioned a special small run of six drums called the Craviotto "Super Swing" Tribute as a tip of the hat to the old Ludwig model. These will be $1800 each plus shipping. Call Steve to reserve one at 610-865-6849 or at Each drum will Each will have a special Steve Maxwell Collection name plate:
Craviotto Super Swing Tribute
#1 of 6 (#2 of 6, etc)
Steve Maxwell Collection
All drums will be 7x14 with 8 large cast diamond lugs (like on Unlimited model SDs) with wood hoops (with inlays) and claws, AK 3 point strainer. ONE DRUM LEFT: $2300. Here are the details of the six drums:
1) (SOLD) Maple, White Marine Pearl with WMP inlay on the hoops. 45 degree edges.
2) (SOLD) Cherry, double inlay, with hoop inlay, 30 degree edges.
3) (SOLD) Ash, double inlay, with hoop inlay, BB edge top, 45 edge bottom.
4) (SOLD) Maple, double inlay, with hoop inlay, BB edge top, 45 edge bottom.
5) ARRIVED. Walnut, double inlay, with hoop inlay, 45 edges. See below:

6) (SOLD) Stacked Solid walnut/curly maple/walnut, with hoop inlay and 45 edges.
Each will have a special Steve Maxwell Collection name plate:
Craviotto Super Swing Tribute
#1 of 6 (#2 of 6, etc)
Steve Maxwell Collection